6 Times Blinking | Sony Bravia Smart LED TV Red Light Blinking 6 Times | BD9397EFV IC Datasheet

Sony Bravia TV Red light blinking 6 times how to solve it.
Sony Bravia KLV-32R306B Smart TV Blinking Red Light 6 Times, Datasheet of BD9397EFV IC is attached in this video.
This is a video to solve the Sony Bravia TV red light blinking 6 times problem.
How to easily repair Sony Bravia KLV-32R306B TV red indicator light blinking six times problem and the screen light turns off, this is a video on LED TV Repair.
Related Video –
6 Times Blinkink – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIy8yhUvIHo
Sony Bravia Power Problem – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ6IBfdaGgg
BD9397EFV IC Datasheet & Pin Functions-
#6TimeBlinking #sonybraviatv #ledtvrepair #OrnatePixels
